27 August 2008
26 August 2008
23 August 2008
22 August 2008

20 August 2008

19 August 2008
18 August 2008

Way back again, this time in time and space, as the whole family packed up and drove off to the United Nations in NYC. To tell the truth, I don’t remember a whole lot from the trip, but we sure look like we’re having fun! You can’t make it out in the photo, but the black shirt I’m wearing had “Providence” written across it in a slanted column. Oddly enough, I don’t ever remember going to Providence in my youth.
14 August 2008
12 August 2008

Okay, I admit it. I get an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts every single day. I can’t help it! Sometimes I bring Jazzy with me and she drools while going through the drive thru because she knows she’s getting a munchkin. Yes, we are hooked on DD, but it has nothing to do with their latest promotion, Bases Loaded. If you haven’t played it, here’s the deal - on the outside of your iced coffee is a little peel-off paper. You have to peel it off right away or the condensation will make it impossible. Once you do so, you will have a coupon in your hand that is relatively worthless ($1.99 for a little frozen pizza or something). But on the cup will be a 12-digit alphanumeric that will allow you play the computer “game” and maybe win big prizes. So you go online and type in the code, which allows you to choose the pitcher you’re going to face. You have a choice between Jonathan Papelbon of the Red Sox or Joba Chamberlain of the Yankees (I suggest if you look anything like Kevin Youkilis that you choose Papelbon). Then you watch as a computerized version of the pitcher strikes you out in three pitches. I assume that if you’re a winner you’ll get a hit and win a prize, but since that never actually happens I can’t be sure. I would literally have just as much of a chance of getting a hit off of them in real life, which is to say no chance. It’s just not any fun, and it brings back flashbacks from Babe Ruth league when I was a kid. Ugh.
11 August 2008

Blog update: For those of you who have this blog bookmarked, please make sure that you re-bookmark the site with the above address and not with www.tonykulla.com. I am going to use the “tonykulla” address for a different site in the future, and it is not likely to link back to this blog. Thank you for your cooperation. :-)
09 August 2008

Welcome to Mars! Actually, welcome to this delightful view of the poison ivy on my finger. What’s that? Thanks for sharing? Oh, you’re welcome. I haven’t had poison ivy in a long time, so I looked it up. It turns out that it’s not contagious and doesn’t spread on your skin if you scratch it. It’s still annoying though. I’ve resisted scratching it, but it hasn’t been easy.
06 August 2008
So far this year I have heard two standout albums. The first one is by Alanis Morrissette, entitled Flavors of Entanglement. Like most of her albums, you have to search through to find the gems. Currently, I have a six song rotation from this one, segments of which are played in the above video (Citizen of the Planet, Versions of Violence, Not As We, In Praise of the Vulnerable Man, Moratorium, and Tapes). For most albums, six is very good. But in this case it’s much better than that, since some of her songs resonate with me so much that I swear she read my mind and feelings before writing them. I know that a lot of people don’t care for her lyrical style and themes, but I suspect that it’s more a personality thing. I’d bet people like me that can be overly introspective (and often unproductively so) just ‘get’ her. She’s one of the few celebrities that I would actually want to sit down and talk with for hours over dinner. For those Alanis fans out there, here are my top ten Alanis songs (not counting the new album’s songs - I need more time to evaluate their place)...
1. You Owe Me Nothing in Return (Under Rug Swept)
2. Everything (So-Called Chaos)
3. Hand In My Pocket (Jagged Little Pill)
4. One (Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie)
5. So Unsexy (Under Rug Swept)
6. Not The Doctor (Jagged Little Pill Acoustic)
7. I Was Hoping (Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie)
8. Mary Jane (Jagged Little Pill Acoustic)
9. That I Would Be Good (Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie)
10. That Particular Time (Under Rug Swept)
04 August 2008
Here’s Jazzy with her newest friend, a male Goldendoodle that lives across the street. He’s still just a pup and his name is Fonzie. Cute, eh? I’m actually surprised that my neighbors know about Fonzie at all, since they are in their mid-20s. I looked it up and Happy Days aired until 1984, which is a lot longer than I thought the show lasted but not long enough for them to have seen it live. So they must have seen it on TV Land or something. Either that or they’ve spent some time in Italy, where the show apparently still airs on Fox according this street banner in Rome. In any event, Fonzie is a welcome addition to the neighborhood and is always excited to brawl and chase with Jazzy and Anney.
03 August 2008