Welcome to my classroom!
Okay, so it’s not the prettiest classroom in the world. It actually looks better in this photo than in real life. But that’s okay, because it’s my classroom. I haven’t written much about my career change on this blog, but now that the transition is complete and I’m starting this new journey, it’s time to look back at my summer. It all started when I was looking for a job and noticed a listing for “Rhode Island Teaching Fellows” and wondered to myself what that was all about. I had already been thinking about teaching and taking some preliminary steps towards that career change (subject matter exams, etc.) so when I read what it was all about I was very intrigued. It sounded right up my alley - an intensified, fast-paced, competitive teacher preparation program that would put me in a classroom much faster and for far less money than a regular teacher prep program. One problem... the deadline for applying was that very day! It was already about 6:00 p.m. and the application process was complex. It took quite a while to gather everything I needed and complete the application, but I finished it that night. Then I just left it in the hands of fate to decide if this fork in the road would be the one I would travel. To be continued...
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