It’s time for something new on this blog... and this is it! A post without a photo. Yup, that’s all I can come up with for innovation. Today’s post is a top 10 list of my favorite scripted television shows. I personally think there is a lot of good television these days, so it wasn’t hard come up with these 10:
Life (NBC) • Interesting premise and characters - too bad it’s probably doomed.
30 Rock (NBC) • Funniest show on TV. I resisted watching this for a long time, despite my crush on Tina Fey.
House (FOX) • This season has been a bit weaker than past ones, but it’s still one of the smartest shows out there.
The Big Bang Theory (CBS) • Funny and cute comedy, with physics jokes!
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (FOX) • Has used the advantage of being a series to develop more complex characters than the films.
The Office (NBC) • Starting to get funny again, with more Dwight and less drama.
Bones (FOX) • Jumped the shark at the end of last season, but starting to make me forget it.
How I Met Your Mother (CBS)• Barney is too funny, and who can forget “Let’s Go To The Mall”.
Chuck (NBC) • Sweet and fun spy show, with a nerd/babe romance angle. What’s not to like?
Fringe (FOX) • Think the X-files at its best. Y’know, before it got crazy with the alien nonsense.
Shows that have dropped out...Heroes (NBC) • Meh. I have five episodes on my DVR and just can’t motivate myself to watch them.
Lost (ABC) • Just when I think it’s coming good, they introduce time travel to make it even more confusing.
One that will be entering the top 10 very soon:Dollhouse (FOX) • Joss Whedon (Firefly, Buffy) is producing a new show. Enough said.
So in the battle of the networks, I have 4 FOX shows (4 hours), 4 NBC shows (3 hours), 2 CBS shows (1 hour), and 0 ABC shows. And yeah, I know I need to get a life. But if I ever do, I’ll definitely need another DVR.