Slices of time and space in my world

I don't have the foggiest idea as to what the purpose of this blog will be. So I will muddle along and see where it takes me. If you are bored enough to take this journey with me, then I pity you and welcome you all at once.

19 February 2009

So I’m sitting at home watching Lost last night, and I’m a bit bored by the ongoing storyline (basically a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to get everyone back on the island). My mind starts to wander and I contemplate variations of the whole ship-wrecked, alone on an island style questions. You know what I mean, the “What one book would you bring?” kind of thing. The variation was that instead of being on an island, you could pretty much be anywhere, since there would be no other people. Ever. Hmm, I guess it’s really the “last person on Earth” scenario. Some of the questions (but not the answers) are below. First, assume that basic survival needs are easily achieved and you live comfortably. How would you choose to live your life? Would you bother to keep up with shaving and haircuts and other grooming? Would you “work” every day to accomplish something or relax like you’re on vacation? Would you celebrate holidays? Now think about adding someone to join you. Who is the one person you would choose, and why? Is the person you would pick the same person you would say you’d pick if asked publicly? In any case, it’s likely someone you know well and love dearly.* How do you think the two of you would treat each other compared to how you do now? Would the lack of outside influences make it easier to get along, or would being each other’s only companion make it more difficult? Would the choices you would have made if alone be the same with another person there? If you could, would you have children, which would make them the last people on Earth?

* A case could be made for it being logical to select someone you don’t know at all, as you’d have different stories and experiences you could share. But, of course, absolutely no one would actually do this.


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