28 May 2009
20 May 2009
15 May 2009
From the “stuff I didn’t remember I had” department, here is a cute little portable doghouse that I don’t have any recollection of buying. It’s pretty neat - it folds flat, and if I remember correctly it can even be folded further into a small disc, but for the life of me I can’t recall how to fold it. I rediscovered it while I was looking for golf balls in the basement the other day, which is odd because it was in plain sight all along. Somehow it’s been invisible all those times I’ve gone downstairs to do laundry and, on occasion, to work out. Since I’ve started leaving Jazzy on the back deck for short stretches of time, it certainly comes in handy to give her some shelter from the sun and the flying insects that she’s constantly “battling.” So far she hasn’t been thrilled to be on the deck alone, despite having her kiddy pool to lounge in (she sometimes will just lie down in the water for a while). The first day she went so far as to escape by pushing aside the deck chairs that were blocking her exit. She even moved the half-full 5-gallon bucket that was there to secure the chairs in place. That’s something she never would have done when she was younger, but she’s a bit pushier in her old age - she’ll be nine years old in a few weeks, if you can believe that! Fortunately she still respects baby gates, so I put one up in the exit to keep her confined and she’s getting used to being out there.
09 May 2009
04 May 2009