It’s almost my birthday! Yeah, I know that when you reach my age birthdays aren't supposed to be a big deal, but I must admit that I really enjoy my birthday. I'm not sure why exactly, but I look forward to it. My philosophy when it comes to birthdays is to give myself as much freedom as possible on the actual day. No obligations, appointments or even parties for me on that day, thanks. I do enjoy a little bit of attention around my birthday though. My work buddies are taking me to lunch (thanks, girls!) and my folks and brothers will call me for sure to wish me a happy birthday (and sing Murtaugh family style) in addition to having a party for me the weekend before.
Of course, an early July birthday places me squarely in the sign of Cancer. And to some extent I am true to the sign’s characteristics. Yes, that means I can be a bit crabby at times (do I hear a chuckle at the “at times”?), but I’d like to think I'm similar to the happy crab above - just hoping for a nice day at the beach. In any case, I think astrology is interesting, and would like to know of any serious studies connecting birth dates to psychological traits. It seems possible to me that in those early formative months after birth the weather (if not the stars) could have some impact on a child’s development. My Chinese Astrology sign is the Rooster, but much like Chinese Checkers, the Chinese version doesn't make much sense to me.