Wouldn’t it be cool to be really small sometimes? Kind of like in those insipid
Honey I Shrunk the Kids movies. Or maybe even smaller than
Rick Moranis or those shrunken kids, perhaps even microscopic? My brother Steve and I used to play this computer game on my beloved
Tandy Color Computer named
Laser Surgeon: The Microscopic Mission. Such was the state of games in those days that we spent hours playing this game, and with absolutely no success. The idea was that you were controlling this miniature ship (I’m not sure if we were supposed to be inside it or not) that is shot into a patient with a particular problem that we were to then fix. The ship had a laser cannon on it to help it navigate through problems (and to make it more fun, I presume). In any event, the ship would travel through the bloodstream until it reached the heart. For some unknown reason, we couldn’t just go through the heart like the blood we were traveling in - we had to temporarily stop the heart in order to pass through (don’t ask me why we weren’t injected closer to the problem to avoid this step because I have no idea). The problem was, we could never revive the guy with our handy-dandy
defibrillator. It was very frustrating to have the patient die over and over, so instead we decided to turn the tables on the game and make it a race against time to see how quickly we could put the poor bastard
out of his misery. You’ll be happy to know that neither of us is now a doctor.
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