Reports of this site’s demise have been greatly exaggerated!
29 August 2009
I figured out that I can just send invites to everyone that I know reads this blog. I’m not sure what you’ll have to do to be able to access the site after you receive your invite, but I’m sure it won’t be much. Look for your invite soon!
*The continuation of this blog in no way constitutes a promise of quality posts in the future. In fact, it’s likely that said quality will continue to decline due to a lack of new ideas by the writer/operator. Any and all complaints should be sent to the Monsanto Corporation.
25 August 2009
The end of the line...
Yeah, I know this picture doesn’t really illustrate the end of anything. But nevertheless, this is my final post to this blog. My new career requires a bit more privacy than my old one, and this blog has tons of personal information about me and at this point it can be found through a simple Google search. So this is the end, after 265 posts and over four years. It’s been an eventful four years in my life, if not necessarily on this blog, and looking back there were a lot of laughs and some tears along the way. But now it’s time for something new, I suppose. I may decide to write another blog, but it will probably have a different theme than this one, which I’ve tried to keep a touch on the goofy side. And if I do, it will be read by email invitation only, so email me at if you want to follow my antics further. I’m trying to figure out a way to archive this site for posterity, so it will probably still be up for a couple of days as I get that sorted out, but then it will disappear. Thank you all very much for reading and, more importantly, for caring.
With love,
21 August 2009
Wait, wrong childhood movie reference (actually, I never really liked E.T. - I probably spent more time playing the Atari 2600 game than watching the movie). This morning I awoke somewhat early. Not the “middle of the night and my mind is racing” kind of early that I sometimes (fortunately rarely now) experience. No, this was the “wake up at the crack of dawn for no reason” kind of early. So I’m staring at the ceiling wondering if I’ll be able to get back to sleep and notice the blue glow. It’s always there at night, and I often notice it before I go to sleep if I don’t turn on a movie on the computer. It’s a pleasing, soft glow generated by my trusty R2 unit. That’s right, an R2. Now, unlike that classic movie robot, mine is much more practical (I tried getting it to project holograms of Princess Leia but to no avail). No, my R2 is the only functional cold fusion reactor that the oil companies didn’t confiscate. Wait, that’s not right either. Actually, it’s just a subwoofer used to blast quality tunes like the Star Wars Theme by Meco. Then again, when I need a good astromech droid for my X-wing I know where to look (man, I need to get some more sleep).
12 August 2009
Form follows function
My new place doesn’t have nearly as much storage space as my old one, which is fine with me since it forced me to get rid of stuff I don’t need and won’t use. But since my bedroom closet is not a walk in, I had no place to install the tie rack that I had back in Westerly. I didn’t want my ties to become wrinkly, so I took them out of the suitcase I moved them in and placed them over the doors of my closet. I weeded out the ones I never wear and figured I’d come up with a storage solution when I wasn’t quite so busy. Well, it turns out that I really like the ties the way they are. They add a bit of color and an interesting shape to my bedroom. I suspect I’m ahead of my time when it comes to interior design, and in a year or two you’ll see Sarah Richardson doing the exact same thing on Room Service. Yup, that’s the way it will happen for sure...
10 August 2009

03 August 2009
Yes, it’s a blog post about my keys. I know you’ve all been waiting patiently for this day, and now it’s finally come. Luckily for you, my procrastinating on this very important topic has made it even more interesting! You see, I only recently acquired the funny looking electronic key on the right, which opens the door of my flat (yeah, I’m not British but I still like using “flat” instead of apartment). I must say that I like that key, because I’m often carrying a bunch of stuff plus I have Jazzy on a leash, so having a key that is easy to use is a help. Even better would be a keyless entry deal like on cars. Hmm, maybe I’ll suggest that.
01 August 2009

I made a playlist a few days ago because I realized I’m not doing a good job of relaxing and I needed to substitute music for the talk and sports radio I listen to in the car just to let my mind stop thinking. Creating a playlist is a good barometer of my mood at that moment, and looking at this list it’s pretty upbeat for the most part. Musically it’s all over the map, as usual, and I’m sure there are a few songs that will make you chuckle at bit, but hey, I like what I like. :-)