I consider myself a fortunate person for a number of reasons, but one of the most obvious to me is that I have been blessed with wonderful friends. This year, some of my best friends have been blessed with beautiful baby girls. I've already written about my brother (and close friend) Steve's adorable little Sara, and since she was born there have been a couple of new additions to my world; Chrissy gave birth to Sophia and Jf’s wife Noreen gave birth to Sylvia. They are all so beautiful and it's wonderful to see my dearest friends positively glowing in parental rapture (I'm guessing it's not delirium caused by lack of sleep). I recently drove up to New Hampshire to visit with Chrissy, Peter and Sophie and had a great time catching up and making friends with the little one, who smiled quite a bit at her “Uncle” Tony. Jf & Noreen are anxiously awaiting Sylvie’s first smile, which is sure to come any day now (if it hasn’t already). I’m sure it will be a moment they’ll never forget. Now, you may have noticed that all the baby girls have first names beginning with ‘S’. This just can’t be a coincidence, and I have a theory as to what it means. I think that the girls are destined to be great friends and that they will start a singing group that will use their ‘S-factor’ to come up with a great group name. Sophia will probably be the lead singer, as she is the only one with a parent (Chrissy) that has any musical and vocal ability (not counting Steve & Jf’s guitar “playing”). Perhaps by then the Spice Girls songs will be considered classics and the S-girls will jump start a "Girl Power" revival. We can only hope.
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