High school was a loooooonnnngggg time ago. But this weekend it all came back as my class celebrated our 20th high school reunion. I wasn't really sure what to expect, other than realizing that I probably wouldn't be able to recognize very many people; I'm terrible at that even when it hasn't been 20 years. So I walked in and the first thing I noticed was that nobody was wearing a nametag. I had hoped to be saved from any awkward encounters by the grace of stickers stuck to shirts and dresses, but it was not to be. Fortunately for me, my buddy Jf is even worse at it so I didn't feel too bad. And though not many of my classmates made it to the reunion (35 from a class of over 100) it was actually quite nice to see those that did. There was a lot of laughter and reminiscing, and someone had brought along a yearbook, which was scary. Fortunately, none of the girls was sporting 80s-style big hair these days. If the girls in this photo had their high school hair, you probably wouldn't be able to see much of me. Seriously though, everyone looked great and it was fun. Game 6 of the ALCS was happening (the guy getting the scores on his Blackberry was very popular with Red Sox fans), and I was still glad that I went.
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