Slices of time and space in my world

I don't have the foggiest idea as to what the purpose of this blog will be. So I will muddle along and see where it takes me. If you are bored enough to take this journey with me, then I pity you and welcome you all at once.

02 October 2007

As promised, here is a video of the four bros tennis match we had a few weeks ago. Steve spliced together some highlights (including a Barkley-style"winner" he hit off a serve of mine) and lowlights (thanks so much for the clip of me bunting an easy forehand into the net). Kudos to Kelly for her excellent camerawork, and congrats to Steve and Adam for taking the doubles title. We had a lot of fun at the windy new courts in Plainfield (much less flawed than the old ones), and hopefully we'll get out there one more time before the year is out. After that, I suggest we pick up a Nintendo Wii and get some exercise indoors. My neighbor invited me over to play on their Wii, and it is awesome. It's so much more fun than sitting on the couch with one of those controllers that has more buttons than I can count. The Wii is very simple and intuitive to play - it's truly a revolution in gaming, and it deserves its spot atop the game systems sales chart (take that, Sony - don't ask me why, but I can't stand Sony).


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