That was one long shrug. I started reading Atlas Shrugged way back in May of 2007, and I’ve probably finished a dozen other books since I started it. That's not to say that I didn't like it though, just that it’s a book that's a bit tough to find time to read. The book is just too thick to bring to the beach (I like to read one-handed there), and it requires too much thinking to read in short spurts like before going to sleep. Oh, and it's 1,168 pages. That said, it’s one of those books that everyone should read. In fact, if everyone in the country read this book, none of the current candidates for president would have gotten anywhere near a nomination, and the non-sensical anti-corporate sentiment in the country would disappear. Well, that is if everyone could read at a level that would allow them to appreciate it. Sadly, there’s no way that today’s high school kids could get through it, even if it was its own full-year class. Ayn Rand was amazingly brilliant, but accessibilty isn’t exactly a strong suit of her writing. That’s a shame, because it's incredible how relevant this book is, considering it was first published over 50 years ago. If you do want to try to get a young adult interested in the book, you might want to highlight the sex in the book. That Dagny sure gets around...
"If you do want to try to get a young adult interested in the book, you might want to highlight the sex in the book." ...and cut out the 60 page speech. Rand's "Fountainhead" is out on DVD now. It's a good companion to Atlas Shrugged. (Also, it only takes 114 min. to watch.)
Come on, man! The whole country was able to follow that speech over the radio in real time! Apparently, everyonen was a philosphy major in college. Have you Netflixed Fountainhead yet?
I did as soon as it was available a year or two ago.
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