Happy leap year extra day! In honor of this special day, I’d like to share a recent culinary experience. One day in January, I was visiting with my parents and as I was leaving my Mom gave me a bag with some clothes. I had apparently left them at my brother Steve’s and they had dropped them off for me. When I got home I set the bag on the table and left it there for a while. I rarely eat at the table so stuff does pile up there sometimes. I had noticed a small box in the bag, which looked like some sort of vitamin tablets. I figured my Mom had bought them and put them in with the clothes, which is the type of thoughtful thing she often does. Anyway, a few nights later I felt a scratch in my throat and started to worry that I was coming down with a cold. Then I remembered the vitamin tablets, which I figured were some sort of cold preventing remedy. So I opened the box and ate a few of the colored drops. At first, I thought they tasted a bit funny, but they were sweet and vitamins often taste weird. As I continued to chew, I started to wonder a bit more. Then I
looked up close at the box and noticed that they weren’t cold tablets at all! They were rabbit treats! Needless to say, I felt quite foolish eating animal snacks to prevent a cold (but they did work!) It turns out that Steve and Kelly had put them in the bag since their bunny recently passed on (RIP Spencer) and they were intended for Larry, whose fiancee has a bunny. Little did they know that I had intercepted them for my own medicinal use!
You never told me that! Quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever heard and now you will endure endless razzing for it.
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