Slices of time and space in my world

I don't have the foggiest idea as to what the purpose of this blog will be. So I will muddle along and see where it takes me. If you are bored enough to take this journey with me, then I pity you and welcome you all at once.

23 March 2008

Happy Easter! While my family doesn’t celebrate the holiday in the religious sense, it’s a nice opportunity for us to get together. Now that I’m home, I’m just about to start my Easter tradition - watching The Ten Commandments. Network TV plays it every year on Easter weekend (it was on a couple of days ago) and one year (I’m not sure which one, but it was at least a decade ago) I flipped to it and got hooked. Now I have it on DVD, so I don’t have to put up with countless commercial breaks and it doesn’t take as long to watch. I tend to like period films (Amadeus, Pride & Prejudice, etc.) because there is such a strong contrast to modern culture. It’s interesting to think about how we’d spend our days if we didn’t have TV, the internet or video games. While the movie may not be Biblically accurate, I enjoy the tale. Plus, Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner are just too cool. Add in the elegantly gorgeous actresses to covet (wait, did I just break one of the commandments?) and pre-digital special effects and it’s hard to look away.


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