Slices of time and space in my world

I don't have the foggiest idea as to what the purpose of this blog will be. So I will muddle along and see where it takes me. If you are bored enough to take this journey with me, then I pity you and welcome you all at once.

30 March 2008

Recently, PBS has been showing Jane Austen adaptations, and I recorded the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, which then prompted me to purchase the DVD special edition. It really is a wonderful movie (and book), and not just the ultimate chick flick, though almost all women swoon to Colin Firth's Darcy. As I mentioned in a recent post, period pieces are fascinating to me, and the peculiarities of English upper-class culture at the turn of the 19th centure are especially so. Everyone is just so proper (not in the MC Hammer sense), which is why this scene has special appeal to me. I'm not sure exactly when in the story Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth Bennett, but I know this is when I did.


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