Believe it or not, all of these ties were draped over a single hook in my closet. Every time I picked one out, a couple others would invariably fall to the floor. Amazingly, it only
just occurred to me to me find a solution. After searching for tie racks online and not finding anything decent, I decided to browse around at Wal-Mart and found a towel rack that was just about perfect. I had to modify it slightly, and I'm very pleased with the results. I actually had more ties than this - but the ones I don't wear I put aside to go to goodwill (I need to find a box here in Westerly). While I was at it, I took out all the shirts, jackets and pants I never wear and added them to the pile. My closet now has a bit of space - at least until I pick up the clothes I brought to the dry cleaners.
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