my Dad and I went on a little adventure. We went up to Boston to go on a whale watch. I hadn't been on one since high school (obviously a loooonnnggg time ago) and he had never been on one, so I thought we'd have fun. But just like Captain Ahab, we ran into some problems... our White Whale being traffic on the Mass Pike (okay, maybe Ahab had bigger problems). In any event, we got to Boston and found a parking spot near Long Wharf. We walked over to the wharf (and saw a Westie on the way), and just as we walked up we saw them taking the ropes off and preparing to leave. Sadly, once they do that there's no boarding possible (I probably could have leaped on, Indiana Jones style, but I doubt they would have appreciated it). A nice guy on the ground crew (or whatever you call them) told us that a "Harbor Cruise" would be leaving in a half hour, so we decided to do that. It was actually kind of nice, because the last trip the two of us took together was similar - to NYC, where we took a boat tour around the city to see all the sites (and the diminished skyline) right after 9/11. While it was a sad time in that city (we visited Ground Zero), I very much enjoyed experiencing it with my Dad. I can say the same thing about our trip to Beantown. While missing the whale watch was a bit sad, I had a great time exploring the USS Constitution, going out to eat and even spending time in the car with Dad.
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