My bros and I got together for our annual golf outing today, but before we hit the road we played another ancient and revered game... hackey sack. The footbag we used has been in my parents' kitchen for decades now, having even been placed back into it's spot on the top of the door moulding in the corner even after the kitchen was completely remodeled. We only played for a minute but we achieved a "hack", with all of us getting a touch before the bag hit the ground. Actually, it was a hack-plus, as a certain diminutive member of the family managed to head the ball down to the ground in classic soccer style. So off we went to golf, where I was the heavy favorite. Things were going as predicted for much of the round, and I was thinking I had a good shot to break 40 for nine holes. Then it all went wrong. I hit a bad drive on the sixth hole (the second time I had to yell "Fore!") but recovered somewhat. Then on #7 I hit a five iron along the tree line and lost the ball. I tried to keep my cool but my concentration was broken. I finished quite sloppily (two more lost balls), while Adam put together a few good holes in a row to take the win. Larry and Steve played pretty well also, and the scores were much improved from last year. There was no trophy presentation, as I had not even bothered to bring it. D'oh! It was still a great time as always, and hopefully we'll get out there one more time before it gets cold.
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