While watching Sportcenter this morning (I can’t stay up for West Coast NBA hoops) I saw a commercial for
Angels & Demons, a new movie based on Dan Brown’s book of the same name. The movie is a sequel to
The Da Vinci Code, though in print
Angels & Demons was written and takes place before that story. I’m very much looking forward to the movie, and fortunately I don’t recall many of the details of the book so I should be able to sit back and enjoy the action and scenery. And that scenery alone should make this film superior to the first movie (despite the absence of
Audrey Tautou). You see, A&D takes place almost entirely in Rome, which is my favorite place on Earth (so far). So even if the movie stinks I’ll still be able to enjoy the grandeur of that city on the big screen. The problem I’m going to have is my desire to go back there after seeing the movie (which opens May 15th). It’s going to be especially tempting considering how cheap it is to fly to Europe at the moment. Of course, I probably won’t be the only one inspired to go there after seeing the film, so supply and demand will likely make it a bit more expensive then and I’ll have to be content with re-reading my
illustrated copy of the book.
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