Slices of time and space in my world

I don't have the foggiest idea as to what the purpose of this blog will be. So I will muddle along and see where it takes me. If you are bored enough to take this journey with me, then I pity you and welcome you all at once.

17 March 2009

There’s something wrong with Jasmine, and it’s all my fault. Whenever I go anywhere lately she just isn’t reacting well. I can be gone for only a half an hour and she freaks out and pulls her blanket off the couch and goes upstairs to toss her bed and blankets around the bedroom. Since it’s been getting worse lately I decided to look it up and have diagnosed her with Canine Separation Anxiety. I guess it’s not surprising because I’ve been around so much that she's just not used to me being away from home at all. Fortunately, she doesn’t exhibit the worst of the symptoms - she’s still too much of a lady for that. But from what I’ve read she’s suffering when I’m not home, and that just won’t do. So I’m following the guidelines and beginning treatment of my pup. I have to refrain from showing her too much attention (guilty) and from scolding her when she does react to me leaving (guilty again). I am also going to ask the vet for some anti-anxiety meds when she goes in for her rabies shot next month to help the adjustment process. Let’s hope it doesn’t take long for her to feel better.


At 7:43 PM, Blogger Tony said...

So far, so good. Jazzy is responding well to the changes. The easy part is not giving her commands for every little thing, which forces her to decide what to do on her own. The tough part is holding back attention - I'm still nice to her but I try not to react when coming or going and I keep the ear scratching and such to a minimum. The last few times I've left she hasn't disturbed a thing, though she's been a bit overly hyped up when I returned. But still, it's progress...


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