Behold! It's nature's perfect snack, the Star Crunch. Wait, did I say nature? Sorry, it's really the perfect creation of that undisputed confectionary genius, Little Debbie. I don't know what it is about these things, but I really can't resist eating them. My only defense is to not buy them, because a box of 12 will only last a couple of days in my presence. Perhaps it is because they are from another world, as the full name of the cookie is Star Crunch Cosmic Snacks. They were probably introduced to Little Debbie by the members of Newcleus, who came here from their world where, I quote, "Music and dancing are against all cosmic and computer law." It's great to know that we live in a country where even aliens from another planet can escape oppression and make it big as crossover 80s rappers. Jam on it!
iPod Update: I have successfully replaced the battery in my iPod. Many thanks to Sonnet for an excellent replacement product. It only took a few minutes to do, and the instructional video and included tools made the job a snap.
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