I stopped at the market the other day to buy some bread and a few other items, one of which is my favorite kind of chips - Cape Cod Blue Corn chips. Unfortunately, they didn't have any. Nor did they have any Stax (a superior knockoff of Pringles). Then I saw an old favorite, Fritos. Greasy, salty, crunchy and delicious. I bought a bag against my better judgment. Fast forward a few days and I'm flipping between the basketball and baseball games on TV and need a snack. So I head into the kitchen and munch down on some Fritos, careful not to bring the bag with me back to the couch (a recipe for gluttony). A few minutes later, I go back for more. This time, after eating a few, I got the urge for something sweet. So I got out the Honeycomb. As I crunched down on a handful, I was struck by how odd they tasted. I tried a few more and they still tasted terribly. I thought maybe they had somehow gone stale or something, but that wasn't it. It turns out that Fritos make everything else taste weird, as I found out later when I had some with a nutritious Totinos pepperoni pizza.
Wasn't this post exciting? Hmm, perhaps this blog has run its course...
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