telephone is certainly an important device, and one that can keep us connected with people. But they also suck. I mean, don't you sometimes just
dread answering the thing when it rings? At work it usually means somebody wants something; at home it's probable
telemarketing. The cell phone is somewhat immune to those, but on that there's the old "call is lost!" that you don't notice until you've been blabbing for a minute or so and finally realize you're not hearing anything in response. Still, it's nice to be able to catch up with friends on the long way home, even if it isn't as meaningful to them since you had nothing better to do anyway (though between talk radio, Sirius and my iPod it's not like I don't have alternatives). And then there is e-mail, txt messages, annoying blogs about nothing, and who knows what's coming next. I guess there really is something to be said for severing all these connection to the world at times and just
relaxing. If you remember how to do that, let me know.
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