Hurray! It's been over a year and over 50 posts since my first entry. And just like in that entry, I'm coming back from a business trip. While I like to explore new places, I must say that Tulsa in August is not a great place to be. First of all, the hotel was located in the downtown business district, which actually features some impressive buildings. But unfortunately there is nothing to do there. Nothing. The whole area essentially closes down at 5:00 p.m. Convenience stores aren't even open, and they close on the weekends. There are no book stores, movie theaters, malls or anything around. I went for a walk the first night and after a while I stopped looking both ways because there were no cars (or people) around anyway. It's a very odd place. Oh, and it's brutally hot - one day it was 106F! Even at night it's 90F. Ugh. I can't imagine why anyone would choose to live there. But it made coming home that much sweeter.
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