Going farther back in time (I don’t even want to calculate how far), I found this photo of the boys from my sixth grade class. I don’t know where the girls are - at this point we didn’t find them “ickey” anymore. Apparently, we were all trying to act tough for the pic (perhaps to impress the girls with our manliness) since there isn’t even one smile. Just off the top of my head, I can remember the names of over half the kids in this photo, which is surprising since I’m not known for having a particularly good memory.
I think I recognize a Randy (far left back row?) and a Brendan (front row far right?).
Not sure about Randy - one of the ones I don't remember. Brendan is correct. I also remember Freddy, David, Bryan (surprised you didn't notice our neighbor), Steve, another David, George and Graham.
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