Where's my supersized foam mallet?
Believe it or not, this image is a photo (sorry about the lack of quality) of the opening credits for the new TV show Ghost Whisperer. Yes, those are dead people rising out of those perfectly round holes for what looks like a giant game of whack-a-corpse! When I first saw it I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I don't know who gave the okay for that, but they should be fired (or at least made to try digging perfectly round holes in the back lot of the studio). I'm serious, the whole intro is really, really cheesy.
The show itself is pretty good so far. While the title suggests an unlikely merging of Ghost with Horse Whisperer, it's actually a blatant knockoff of The Sixth Sense. Well, except that the character that can "see dead people" is a woman instead of a little boy. And the actress playing her seems to be reading lines off a cue card while Haley Joel Osment is a gifted actor. That said, Jennifer Love Hewitt is certainly nice to look at and the stolen premise is a great one. I fear it won't be a long ride though, as there has to be a limit to the number of problems dead people have (besides not being alive, that is).
Speaking of which, we went to the movies this weekend to see Corpse Bride. Now, I'm not a huge Tim Burton fan (he co-wrote but did not direct), but this movie is actually quite good. On a side note, I noticed that the father of the (living) bride reminded me a little of Danny DeVito's Penguin from Batman Returns. Fortunately just in appearance and not in action. Anyone that has seen Batman Returns knows that the Penguin is one of the most disgusting character in film history. Just awful to watch... hmmm, the same can be said of the the Batman sequels that came after Returns, though for different reasons. In any event, Corpse Bride does well with a fairly clever story, excellent animation and decent writing. I give it 3 stars (out of five).
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